Backstage AIC

Commonly Asked Questions

What do you do?

I teach technical theater. It is my passion. I believe every theater, regardless of its size or the experience of its team, deserves the best possible technical experience. My goal is to provide that, either in person as a designer or consultant, or with the build packages I have created.

What are build packages?

Build packages are a full set of instructions that allow you to bring the ideas in your head to life on stage. Instructions are broken down so novices and volunteers can safely and efficiently build your set.

What is the ideal theater size for these packages to work with

These build packages have been used to create sets for larger, 1000 seat auditoriums with 50’ wide, 30’ deep stages as well as small studio theaters that have a 15’ deep stage and seat 50 people. Because they are structured in sections, the plans can be modified to create a set that works best for your unique space.